Approximating sin(2πx)

Tue, Nov 05 2024
18 minutes read

I use trigonometric functions extremely often, ever since I started doing programming. They show up everywhere, especially in graphics, and while they’re not the most efficient operation, they are widely available in programming languages. This is not the case if you’re programming in embedded systems or WebAssembly, so I tried to compute them myself.

Trigonometric functions are actually quite similar in both their properties and their computation. So I’ll just write about how I computed sine, and the rest are similar. I actually prefer cosine, but I have chosen the sine function for this article because of the iconic sinusoidal wave visualization.

Why sin(2πx) and not sin(x)

A big problem with general trigonometric functions is that they use radians as input (and as output for inverse trigonometric functions). Radians are exceptionally great for calculus but fall short when implemented on a computer. They make it so that common angles are expressed as multiples of pi, which don’t have perfectly accurate floating point representation. They also make computation much, much more complicated and less accurate.

So what is the alternative? Firstly, the concept of angle should be thought of as an abstract data type. The internal representation shouldn’t mean anything, and what gives them meaning are their operations. I can represent them with 32-bit unsigned integers where 0 is 0 degree and 2^32 (which is equal to 0) is 360 degree (which is also equal to 0 degree), and everything in between is interpolated. This method has a name, called BAM (Binary angular measurement), and was used in Doom back when floating-point arithmetic was too expensive.

While BAM is great, and I’m sure to investigate more into them, I’m not willing to implement some of the algorithm below in fixed-point or integer arithmetic. So a floating-point representation might be better. Degree is actually a pretty good contestant with its ability to represent many angles as integers, but it also has a problem similar to using radians when it comes to computing trigonometric functions.

The problem with degrees and radians

To understand the problem, let’s try to compute sine. Firstly, it’s very hard to design an approximation that works well in the entire range of input. What is commonly done is called argument reduction, where you exploit the properties of the function to transform the range of the input into something more manageable. For sine, it’s its periodicity, or, in more rigorous terms:

sin(radians) = sin(radians ± 2π)
sin(degrees) = sin(degrees ± 360)

This means that, for example, to compute sine in radians, we just need to compute sin in the range [0, 2π] and map the input to this range. This can be done by taking the remainder of x and 2π, which is extremely complicated to perform efficiently and precisely. Recall that in radians, common angles are represented as multiples of pi, which means that to compute the sine of common angles, you have to first multiply by pi and then divide, wait for it, by pi. Although these two operations cancel each other, their errors still accumulate.

In the degree world, this problem is slightly mitigated as 360 is an integer, not a transcendental number, which helps a lot with precision and implementation complexity, but it’s not ideal. What if we have a representation that can perform argument reduction simply and effectively?

Enter turn (the measurement)

If I pick an unusual angle measurement, say 225 degrees, how do you make sense or quantify it? If you’re like me, you’d interpret it as being about 60% of a full angle. In CSS, a unit of angle measurement that uses multiples of a full angle is called a turn. For example, 720 degree is 2 turns and pi/4 is one eight of a turn. In my opinion, this thinking in terms of a full angle is more intuitive for both human and computer. 0.75 turns is more comprehensible than 270 degree, and to a certain extent, common angles can be represented exactly in binary floating-point. But what about argument reduction, here it is:

float reduced = x - (int)x + (x < 0);

The (int)x + (x < 0) part can be simplified into a floor(x), but casting the input to an integer will be handy in the future, and we don’t have to use floor from the math library. With degrees or radians, flooring does not suffice, and you have to use something like fmod or optimize it with complex bit manipulations like what most optimized implementations do. This is why I tried to compute sin(2πx). 2πx converts radians to turns, so sin(2πx) is simply sin(x), but parameterized with turns instead of radians.

Different ways I tried to compute sine

With all the rationale behind turn out of the way, here’s my many attempts at computing sine. Unfortunately, this is where my expertise ended, and I was wandering in unknown territories. Just a disclaimer, I’m not formally educated in approximation and numerical algorithms, and I’m not the brightest at math, so the sections below will contain lots of hand-waving and little rigor.

Lookup table approach

The easiest way to do something efficiently is to do it inefficiently once and store the results to look them up later. This is an approach I have used many times in the past and regularly reach for when solving a new problem.

An illustration of lookup table approximation with different values of sample points

To generate the lookup table (and for almost every other computation), I used the amazing mpmath library.

import mpmath
from tqdm import tqdm, trange = 100

total = 1 << 24
table = [
    mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi * 2 * x / total)
    for x in trange(total + 1, desc="Generating lookup table")

filename = "sin-lookup.c"
with open(filename, "w") as f:
    f.write("#include <stddef.h>\n")
    f.write(f"const size_t SIN_TABLE_RANGE = {total};\n")
    f.write(f"const float SIN_TABLE[{total + 1}] = {{\n")
    for entry in tqdm(table, desc=f"Writing lookup table to `{filename}`"):
        f.write(f"  {entry},\n")

On my machine, generating the lookup table took 3 minutes, writing sin-lookup.c took 50 seconds and compiling with clang -c -o sin-lookup.o sin-lookup.c took 40 seconds. Which clocks in at a total of 4 minutes and 30 seconds to compute.

Notice that I added a value to the end because argument reduction converts positive values to [0, 1) and negative values to (0, 1], so the entire range of input is converted to [0, 1]. Multiplied with the range, the input will become [0, range] so we need a lookup table of size range + 1.

Computing sine with the generated lookup table is easy, just multiply the reduced input with the range and index the rounded result into the lookup table. I also added a reduced range variant to emulate using smaller lookup tables.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>

extern const int SIN_TABLE_RANGE;
extern const float SIN_TABLE[];

float sin_lookup(float x) {
    x -= (int32_t)x - (x < 0);
    size_t entry = x * SIN_TABLE_RANGE + 0.5f;
    return SIN_TABLE[entry];

float sin_lookup_reduced(float x, size_t reduced_range) {
    x -= (int32_t)x - (x < 0);
    size_t entry = (size_t)(x * reduced_range + 0.5f) * SIN_TABLE_RANGE / reduced_range;
    return SIN_TABLE[entry];

Using lookup tables is very accurate, but other than being horrendously slow to compute, it also generates a 64mb binary. And while looking up the table is cheap, the large table size can cause cache misses, which is bad for performance when used in a computational pipeline. However, the lookup table gives me a good reference implementation for me to test other algorithms. Before that, I tested the correlation between table size and precision for this method.

Testing framework

The correct way to test a numerical method is to test it on all floating-point representation of the input range. Because we reduced the input to [0, 1], we need to test all floating-point representation of numbers between 0 and 1, which has 2^30 unique values. This is too big for me, so I’ll just use the 2^23 values in the [1, 2] range, which is uniformly distributed and matches the range of the lookup table. For completeness, I’ll also subtract the range by 1 to get a subset of the [0, 1] range and test those too.

float compute_error(float sin_impl(float)) {
    float max_error = 0;
    for (uint32_t mantissa = 0; mantissa < 1u << 23; ++mantissa) {
        union {
            uint32_t u;
            float f;
        } buf = { .f = 1 };

        buf.u |= mantissa;

        // x of range [1, 2]
        float x1 = buf.f;

        // x of range [0, 1]
        float x2 = buf.f - 1;

        float target1 = sin_lookup(x1);
        float target2 = sin_lookup(x2);

        float result1 = sin_impl(x1);
        float result2 = sin_impl(x2);

        // Compute the absolute error
        float error1 = result1 > target1 ? result1 - target1 : target1 - result1;
        float error2 = result2 > target2 ? result2 - target2 : target2 - result2;

        // Update the max error
        if (error1 > max_error) max_error = error1;
        if (error2 > max_error) max_error = error2;

    return max_error / FLT_EPSILON;

The final line return max_error / FLT_EPSILON converts the maximum error into a unit called ULP. The reason is that 5 ULP and 10 ULP are easier to display than 5.960464477539062e-07 and 1.1920928955078125e-06. Also, ULP takes into account of the data type, so while 5.960464477539062e-07 is 5 ULP in 32-bit float which is great, but it is a whopping 2684354560 ULP in 64-bit float which is absolutely horrible.

Testing smaller lookup tables

Lookup tables result
Results of smaller lookup tables

From the figure above, we can see that the error is inversely proportional to the table size, which is quite predictable. The noise in the graph is due to the error when interpolating the smaller table when the size is not a power of two. Although the method converges quite quickly, to reach high enough accuracy, you need very large lookup tables. For example, to reach sub-20 ULP, the lookup table needs to have the size of 2^21 or about 2 millions elements. And the method definitely won’t scale well when applied to double-precision floats.

Testing standard library sine

To verify my claim about the accumulating error when computing sine, let’s test the standard library implementation of sine on multiple ranges of input, using the lookup table as our target output.

STD implementation result
Results of standard library implementation of sin(2πx)

As you can see, the error of the standard implementation increases as we go further away from 0. This confirms the accumulating error of multiplying by 2πx and then taking the remainder. You might be skeptical as I’m using the lookup table as a reference, so here’s the result of sin(2πx) in ULP for x in [0, 1000]. Of course, the correct results are zeros, but let’s see what the standard library gives.

STD implementation error
sin(2πx) according to the glibc standard library

Okay, that’s quite insane, the error at 1000 is 2010 ULP in 32-bit float which is 2.4e-3, a number that is definitely not insignificant. This is why we shouldn’t use radians for numerically computing trigonometric functions.

Improving the lookup table approach

Before trying out other forms of computing sine, I tried to exploit the symmetry of sine to improve the lookup table method. Recall that:

sin(radians) = -sin(radians - π)
sin(turns) = -sin(turns - 0.5)

So, instead of computing sin in the range [0, 1], we can just compute sin in the range [0, 0.5] and negate the result if x is in the range [0.5, 1]. It’s more efficient to multiply x by 2 before reduce the argument, compute sin(πx) on the reduced argument and check if the original is divisible by 2.

extern const int SIN_TABLE_RANGE;
extern const float SIN_TABLE[];

float sin_lookup(float x) {
    x *= 2;
    int32_t ix = (int32_t)x - (x < 0);
    x -= ix;
    size_t entry = x * SIN_TABLE_RANGE + 0.5f;
    float y = SIN_TABLE[entry];
    if (ix & 1) y = -y;
    return y;

If you use half-turn instead of turn, you have effectively reduced an instruction from the algorithm, but multiplying by two is essentially adding with itself, and I feel like the inputs are more likely to be in the range in [0, 1) so you have to multiply by 2 anyway. This effectively reduced the memory usage by half for the same precision, as shown in the figure below.

Lookup tables optimized result
Optimized lookup table compared to the original

Or you can look at it in another way: By exploiting the symmetry of sine, we doubled the precision of the same algorithm, for free. There are ways to exploit even more symmetry, but we’ll look at other methods of implementing sine first.

Taylor polynomials

Computers don’t understand sine and cosine, but they understand polynomials, so we can use polynomials to approximate sine. The most basic way of doing this —which you might have learned from your college calculus course—is to use a truncated Taylor series. At this point, there will be a lot of math, so I’ll switch to exclusively using radians to explain what I did.

An illustration of Taylor series approximation with different polynomial degrees

Since we’re computing sin(πx) in the range [0, 1], it’s a good idea to compute the Taylor series around 0.5. A benefit of using Taylor series is that the highest error typically resides at the boundary, i.e., 0 and 1, so we can compute the error at those points and compare them to the error observed in the benchmark. Mpmath already has support for Taylor series, but the function is simple enough for me to calculate myself.

taylor series
Taylor series of sin(πx) around x = 0.5

If the origin is at x = 0.5, sin(πx) becomes an even function, so its power series consists only of even-degree monomials. Translating this to code is very straightforward:

import mpmath = 100

total = 10
sign = [1, 0, -1, 0] # cos(pi * n / 2)

n = 1
d = 1

coeffs = [mpmath.mpmathify(1)]

idx = 1
while len(coeffs) < total:
    n *= mpmath.pi
    d *= mpmath.mpmathify(idx)
    if sign[idx % 4] != 0:
        coeffs.append(n * sign[idx % 4] / d)
    idx += 1

for coeff in coeffs:

That , at the end is for easier copying into C code. Unlike the lookup table approach, this runs instantly, and produces a very small set of polynomial coefficients. In the C code, we can evaluate the polynomial using Horner’s method:

float sin_taylor(float x, int n) {
    static const float coeffs[] = {
        /* ... */

    x *= 2;
    int32_t ix = (int32_t)x - (x < 0);
    x -= ix + 0.5f; // also subtracts x by 0.5 
    float xx = x * x;
    float y = 0;
    for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        y = y * xx + coeffs[i];
    if (ix & 1) y = -y;
    return y;

In production code, it’s better to inline the polynomial evaluation instead of using for loop. But with this code, I could test the error of each truncation point for the series. Because the power series consists of only even-degree monomials, every step of Horner’s method the result is multiplied by x^2 instead of x. This means that I essentially got double the polynomial degree for free, which is another aspect of exploiting the symmetry of the sine function.

Taylor series result
Results of Taylor series approximation with different truncation points

The figure above shows the error of Taylor series approximation, both from running the benchmark at 32-bit floating-point resolution and from computing sin(π) and sin(0) with the polynomial in mpmath. The result confirmed my hypothesis that the maximum error of the approximation is at the boundary, at least until the precision ran out.

After degree 14, while the theoretical error keeps decreasing, the actual error from the benchmark stuck at 0.974121. This is possibly due to the multiplication and addition error accumulated during Horner’s method iteration. This can be counteracted by computing the polynomial in higher precision before rounding back to 32-bit. Doing this actually allowed me to achieve perfect accuracy (0 ULP) for the degree 20 polynomial.

But precision is not everything, and I also cared about optimizing the number of operations while still retaining high precision. The degree 10 polynomial, which has only 6 coefficients, has the error of 4.36 ULP, which is better than the optimized lookup table approach of size 2^21 (with the error of 6.31 ULP). This is good, but I wanted to reach the saturation point faster.

Padé approximation

A simple way to improve the Taylor approximation is to convert the truncated power series into a rational polynomial. This is known as the Padé approximant. This method simply solves a system of equations to obtain a rational polynomial that agrees with the original function. It feels magical and cheating to get a better approximation with the same function by transforming it, but a rational polynomial can better model the asymptotic behaviour of some functions.

Like for the taylor series, mpmath has support for generating Padé approximations, and I didn’t do it myself this time, unlike the Taylor approximation, because the procedure is different for each order of the polynomial. After getting the coefficients, I used some metaprogramming to generate inlined polynomial evaluations. Since the original series has only even-degree monomials, its rational approximations also have even-degree numerators and denominators. So I just skipped every other coefficient for both and performed Horner’s method on strings to generate the polynomial.

import mpmath = 100

total = 21
sign = [1, 0, -1, 0] # cos(pi n)

n = 1
d = 1

coeffs = [mpmath.mpmathify(1)]

for i in range(1, total):
    n *= mpmath.pi
    d *= mpmath.mpmathify(i)
    coeffs.append(n * sign[i % 4] / d)

for i in range(1, 11):
    p_coeffs, q_coeffs = mpmath.pade(coeffs[:i + i], i, i - 1)
    p_coeffs = p_coeffs[::2][::-1]
    q_coeffs = q_coeffs[::2][::-1]

    p = f"{p_coeffs[0]}"
    for p_coeff in p_coeffs[1:]:
        p = f"({p} * xx + {p_coeff})"

    q = f"{q_coeffs[0]}"
    for q_coeff in q_coeffs[1:]:
        q = f"({q} * xx + {q_coeff})"

    print(f"p = {p}")
    print(f"q = {q}")

Here’s an example of the order [6/6] Padé approximation in C. It agrees with the Taylor series of order 12, but in terms of computation, it’s more expensive and less precise because of the extra division.

float sin_pade_6_6(float x) {
    x *= 2;
    int32_t ix = (int32_t)x - (x < 0);
    x -= ix + 0.5f;
    float xx = x * x;

    float p = -0.35796583327481520071570877176f * xx + 2.6678684023565382463447255987f;
    p = p * xx + -4.6445942642517333510565497579f;
    p = p * xx + 1.0f;

    float q = 0.003110616546418168353807390627f * xx + 0.041275038573729846286627259614f;
    q = q * xx + 0.29020793629294595836069574203f;
    q = q * xx + 1.0f;

    float y = p / q;
    if (ix & 1) y = -y;
    return y;

A low-level advantage of rational polynomial approximation over polynomial approximation is that the numerators and denominators can be computed independently, which allows for better vectorization and pipelining, even for scalar value. Compiling with clang -O3 -march=native on my AMD Ryzen 7 5800U, the following assembly code is generated:

    vaddss          xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
    vxorps          xmm1, xmm1, xmm1
    xor             ecx, ecx
    vbroadcastss    xmm2, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_4]
    vucomiss        xmm1, xmm0
    vcvttss2si      eax, xmm0
    seta            cl
    sub             eax, ecx
    vcvtsi2ss       xmm1, xmm3, eax
    vaddss          xmm1, xmm1, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0]
    vsubss          xmm0, xmm0, xmm1
    vmovsd          xmm1, qword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_6]
    vmulss          xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
    vbroadcastss    xmm0, xmm0
    vfmadd213ps     xmm1, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_2]
    vfmadd213ps     xmm1, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_3]
    vfmadd231ps     xmm2, xmm0, xmm1
    vmovshdup       xmm0, xmm2
    vdivss          xmm0, xmm2, xmm0
    test            al, 1
    je              .LBB0_2
    vbroadcastss    xmm1, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_5]
    vxorps          xmm0, xmm0, xmm1

As you can see, the generated routine compute two polynomial with just 3 SIMD fused multiply-add operations, each on a vector of 2 floats. This efficiency somewhat made up for the extra division, but let’s see how well this does in terms of precision.

Pade approximation result
Comparison of Taylor and Padé approximation

Although Padé approximation is slightly better when not limited by floating-point precision, it’s worse in the benchmark because of the division error. This shows that although Padé approximation is considered better than truncated Taylor series, it’s actually a worse numerical approximation method in limited precision settings. Despite this, the independent computations of numerators and denominators are great and might help with performance.

Chebyshev polynomials

The problem with truncated Taylor series is also what allowed me to compute the maximum error easily: the further away from the center of the approximation, the bigger the error. This means that the error does not distribute uniformly across the input range. So Taylor polynomials are good at approximating a function around a point, not across a range.

An illustration of Chebyshev approximation with different polynomial degrees

One method of finding approximating polynomials across a range is called Chebyshev approximation. I couldn’t wrap my head around the theory behind it, so I just let mpmath do the heavy lifting. Unlike Taylor series, where you can just truncate the polynomial to get a lower degree approximation, with Chebyshev polynomials, you have to make one for every degree.

import mpmath
import numpy as np = 100

eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps

def fn(x):
    return mpmath.sin(mpmath.pi * x)

for degree in range(1, 20):
    poly, err = mpmath.chebyfit(fn, [0, 1], degree, error=True)
    poly = poly[::-1]
    print(f"p = {poly[0]}")
    for c in poly[1:]:
        print(f"p = p * x + {c}")
    print(f"p = {p}")
    print("error:", err / eps)

Conveniently, mpmath’s Chebyshev approximation also returns the maximum error, so I had something to compare with the benchmark results.

Chebyshev approximation result
Comparison of Taylor and Chebyshev approximation

From the graph above, there are two things that needs attention:

  1. Chebyshev approximation is better, I indeed managed to reach the saturation point faster, at the cost of the quality of the saturation point.

  2. The zigzag shape of the graph indicates that significant drops in error occurs when a new even-degree polynomial is reached.

Remember that I’m optimizing for maximum error, not average error, so an approximation technique that distributes the error more evenly is advantageous. However, both problems above are the result of the unexploited symmetry of sine. An n-degree Chebyshev polynomial requires n - 1 Horner’s iteration, while for the truncated Taylor series, it’s n / 2 - 1. Less arithmetic operations mean less accumulating error, which explains why the saturated error of the Chebyshev approximation is so bad. Similarly, odd-degree polynomials don’t add much because the extra term that makes the function odd can’t capture the even features of the function in the input range.

Optimizing Chebyshev approximation

So in order to optimize the Chebyshev polynomials, I had to make them either even or odd. If you have a general polynomial P(x), you can turn it into an even function by evaluating it at x^2 instead of x, giving P(x^2). So I generated Chebyshev approximations for sin(π√x) and evaluated it like the Taylor series.

But there’s a problem, sin(πx) is not even around 0, so the Chebyshev polynomials struggles to fit the function. To remedy this I had to shift the function by 0.5 similarly to the Taylor polynomials, so this is essentially a truncated Taylor series with a different set of coefficients. By shifting the function, we get the equality:

P((x - 1/2)^2) = sin(πx)
P(x) = sin(π√x + π/2) = cos(π√x)

It’s tempting to compute the Chebyshev coefficients to fit the range [0, 1], but we can see that:

   0 <=      x      <= 1
-1/2 <=   x - 1/2   <= 1/2
   0 <= (x - 1/2)^2 <= 1/4

So I only had to fit the function to the range [0, 1/4]. The reduced range means that it’s easier to fit the function with less polynomial terms. This looks promising, let’s see how well it actually does:

Imrpoved Chebyshev approximation result
Comparison of Taylor and improved Chebyshev approximation

I finally made something better than the truncated Taylor series. The improved version reached the same saturation point as the Taylor polynomials, but it converged slightly faster. But something didn’t feel right. I computed sine by indirectly computing cosine. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s better if I can compute sine directly.

I had to convert to cosine because I need to transform sine into an even function, but there’s another sine-related even function: the sinc function or sin(x)/x.

P(x^2) = sin(x)/x
P(x) = sin(π√x)/√x
sin(πx) = P(x^2) * x

Multiplying x by an even function creates an odd function, which is exactly what sine is. This feels more natural than the approach above and it also guarantees that sin(0)—and, by extension, sine of integers—zero. The problem with this method is that unlike the other method, there’s no way to compute the error in mpmath. As a result, I only compared the benchmark results of the two methods.

Chebyshev approximation comparison
Comparison between the two Chebyshev approximation methods

The odd-degree sinc transformation does slightly worse than the even-degree cos transformation. For the worse saturation point, it’s probably due to the extra multiplication, similar to the Padé approximation method. For the worse non-saturated error, however, I can hypothesize that it’s due to the additional complexity of approximating sin(π√x)/√x instead of cos(π√x).

Nontheless, I prefer the odd-degree version because it felt more like directly computing sine and no matter how bad the approximation is, the sine of full turns is always zero.


This post summarized the techniques I tried to compute sine, including lookup tables, truncated Taylor series, Padé approximant, and Chebyshev polynomials. These methods are nothing new, in fact, mpmath has implemented all these methods already, and all I did was call functions and evaluate the results. It was still pretty fun balancing precision, speed, and memory usage. I still want to learn more about Chebyshev polynomials and try Remez’s algorithm, which is pretty interesting as it uses Newton’s method, another approximation technique.

For the time being, this is what I use for computing sine in turns for single-precision floating-point numbers. It’s the odd-degree Chebyshev method with internal double conversion to bypass the saturation point. This has the maximum error of 0.5 ULP.

float sin_turn_32(float fx) {
  double x = fx * 2;
  int64_t ix = (int64_t)(x + 0.5) - (x < -0.5);
  x -= ix;
  double xx = x * x;
  double y = 0.077655912276013869412936155364;
  y = y * xx + -0.59829041128342753490068232851;
  y = y * xx + 2.5500773865289118653040643387;
  y = y * xx + -5.167710076668314409260164949;
  y = y * xx + 3.1415926400772032517452140952;
  if (ix & 1) y = -y;
  return y * x;

For double-precision, more terms are needed to converge, and unfortunately, 80-bit and 128-bit floating-point numbers are too slow to do the previous optimization. I’m sure there are other clever ways of achieving this, but currently the precision has reached the saturation point at 2 ULP.

double sin_turn_64(double x) {
  x *= 2;
  int64_t ix = (int64_t)(x + 0.5) - (x < -0.5);
  x -= ix;
  double xx = x * x;
  double y = -0.000021133627352052970404406818407;
  y = y * xx + 0.00046598701580433779333641383896;
  y = y * xx + -0.0073703643265304156755464627222;
  y = y * xx + 0.082145878816310426916561014931;
  y = y * xx + -0.59926452882522400507990958357;
  y = y * xx + 2.5501640398618676296938350463;
  y = y * xx + -5.167712780049785822740496262;
  y = y * xx + 3.1415926535897928787046988706;
  if (ix & 1) y = -y;
  return y * x;

It’s interesting to benchmark and compare these with the standard library implementation, but I don’t expect it to do better. The benefit of creating my own sine function is that I now have full control over it and can change it however I want. If one day I decide that half-turns or degrees are better, then I can easily switch to those. I can also use a lower-degree polynomial to increase execution speed at the cost of precision. It’s always nice to have the ability to customize a tool for your needs and preferences.

Uupdate: Benchmark against the standard library implementation

I couldn’t help myself but to conduct some benchmarks to compare my custom sine implementation with the implementation from the standard library. I’ll test both computing a single value and batch processing an entire array of values. To generate inputs, I used the Xoshiro256++ random number generators to generate 64-bit values in these value ranges: [-0.25, 0.25) and [-1, 1) I also tested a SIMD optimized implementation of Estrin’s scheme.

double sin_turn_simd(double x) {
    x *= 2;
    int64_t ix = (int64_t)(x + 0.5) - (x < -0.5);
    x -= ix;
    double x2 = x * x;
    double x4 = x2 * x2;
    double x8 = x4 * x4;

    __m256d c0 = _mm256_set_pd(

    __m256d c1 = _mm256_set_pd(

    __m256d p0 = _mm256_fmadd_pd(c0, x2, c1);
    __m128d p1 = _mm_fmadd_pd(_mm256_extractf128_pd(p0, 0), _mm_set1_pd(x4), _mm256_extractf128_pd(p0, 1));
    double p2[2];
    _mm_store_pd(p2, p1);

    double y = p2[0] * x8 + p2[1];
    if (ix & 1) y = -y;
    return y * x;

To evaluate the speed of these algorithms, I measured the time it took to compute 100 million sines. The error is measured against a degree-41 Chebyshev polynomial operating in 80-bit floating-point.

Single processing results

Input range [-0.25, 0.25):

GCC -O3GCC -OfastClang -O3Clang -OfastError
Horner596 ms616 ms593 ms539 ms2 ULP
SIMD587 ms616 ms584 ms535 ms2.5 ULP
Glibc1382 ms1394 ms1366 ms1247 ms0.5 ULP

Input range [-1, 1):

GCC -O3GCC -OfastClang -O3Clang -OfastError
Horner1131 ms1090 ms1213 ms1108 ms2 ULP
SIMD1102 ms1086 ms1205 ms1101 ms2.5 ULP
Glibc1936 ms1937 ms1920 ms1819 ms3.125 ULP

Batch processing results

Input range [-0.25, 0.25):

GCC -O3GCC -OfastClang -O3Clang -OfastError
Horner488 ms492 ms461 ms458 ms2 ULP
SIMD503 ms503 ms505 ms504 ms2.5 ULP
Glibc1172 ms388 ms (1.5 ULP)1137 ms1247 ms0.5 ULP

Input range [-1, 1):

GCC -O3GCC -OfastClang -O3Clang -OfastError
Horner930 ms919 ms469 ms458 ms2 ULP
SIMD942 ms913 ms944 ms898 ms2.5 ULP
Glibc1753 ms395 ms (3.25 ULP)1743 ms1718 ms3.125 ULP


Although performance wasn’t my primary goal when creating a sine approximation, it’s pleasant to see that my custom implementation is faster than the glibc implementation. There are many reasons why this is the case:

  • The glibc implementation has proper infinity and NaN handling.
  • The glibc implementation performs more aggressive argument reduction and exploits even more symmetry (hence the 0.5 ULP).
  • My implementation has a simpler and faster argument reduction procedure.
  • My implementation is smaller, possibly making it easier to inline and optimize.

For single processing speed, the SIMD version consistently outperforms the Horner’s method implementation, but only in an insignificant amount. For the batch processing, however, the SIMD version performs worse due to the fact that both versions are vectorized anyway and the SIMD version has some extra overheads. The biggest drawback of the SIMD version is that Estrin’s scheme isn’t optimal in terms of the number of operations, so it has more error accumulation. While the idea is cool and was also pretty fun to implement, the SIMD version isn’t worth it.

My implementations only perform worse than the GCC -Ofast optimized glibc sine in bulk processing. A quick look at the generated assembly revealed that it directly calls _ZGVdN4v_sin, which is a carefully optimized SIMD implementation of sine in libmvec. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised that my implementation is quite efficient and accurate, and it made me even happier with what I managed to come up with.