A faster, more flexible alternative to run-time polymorphism in C++ feat. Rust

Sun, Feb 11 2024
9 minutes read

When I first heard about run-time polymorphism in C++ using virtual methods, my first thoughts were like, “This is cool and all, but why would I ever use this?” Then I continued to ignore it because I could always just work around it instead of using it. Until recently, my college lecturer told me that using virtual methods is great for designing and maintaining applications with thousands of objects. I figured that I should write about what run-time polymorphism is, and why I still think that I don’t need it.

A brief introduction to polymorphism in C++

Polymorphism means “many-forms”, and in programming, it means designing an API that works with multiple “forms” of input, for example, a function that takes multiple data-type. Consider the following function:

template<class T1, T2>
double add_area(T1 shape1, T2 shape2) {
    return shape1.area() + shape2.area();

This function is polymorphic because it works with any data-type with a member function area. However, the template arguments T1 and T2 needs to be determined at compile-time, so we only achieved compile-time polymorphism. Run-time polymorphism is a bit complicated:

class Shape {
    Shape() {}

    virtual double area() const = 0;
    virtual ~Shape() = default;

double add_area(Shape *shape1, Shape *shape2) {
    return shape1->area() + shape2->area();

The Shape class is called an “abstract” class, which means that it can’t be allocated and can only serves as an interface for other classes to inherit from. The function add_area takes two pointers that point to two arbitrary objects that inherits from the Shape class. It has to be a pointer because a pointer just points to a region of memory, which could represents any shapes, while a value is statically typed and can only be a single shape. What makes this different from the previous example is that this is an actual function, not a template, and the objects that those pointers point to are determined at run-time, not at compile-time.

Square square(4);
Circle circle(2);

Shape *shape1 = random_bool() ? (Shape*)&square : (Shape*)&circle;
Shape *shape2 = random_bool() ? (Shape*)&square : (Shape*)&circle;

std::cout << add_area(shape1, shape2) << '\n';

A simple example

Run-time polymorphism is often used when the data-type is not known at compile time. Maybe the users want to select what type of shape to add the area together. Let’s extend the previous example to include run-time data. You have to import the shapes from a file. For demonstration purposes, the file format is extremely simple. It’s a text file with every line containing a string representing the shape type, and floating point numbers representing the shape attributes. The shape types, their attributes and how to compute the area are described in the table below:

shape typeattributesarea formula
“square”sideside * side
“rectangle”width, heightwidth * height
“circle”radiusradius * radius * PI
“triangle”3 sidesHeron’s formula1

We can’t tell what shape they are until we have read the file at run-time. So to get the total area of the entire file, we need a run-time polymorphic function:

double total_area(Shape **shapes, size_t shapes_len) {
    double result = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < shapes_len; ++i) {
        result += shapes[i]->area();

    return result;

The Shape class is the same as the above, but notice that we need to have double pointer indirection. Unlike the example above, the shapes don’t actually exist until we read the file at run-time. Because the memory layout for every shape is different and unknown, we can’t just store them in a contiguous region of memory. Which means that every element of the shapes array must be heap-allocated individually. That is pretty expensive, and you can mess up if you’re not careful. So instead of using raw pointers, in the spirit of C++, here is a safer and potentially faster version of the previous function:

double total_area(std::span<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> shapes) {
    double result = 0;

    for (std::unique_ptr<Shape> &shape : shapes) {
        result += shape->area();

    return result;

It’s arguably uglier, but the std::unique_ptr saves us from the hassle of cleaning up memory, and since we’re using smart pointers anyways, I’m throwing in std::span—a new C++20 feature—as well so we don’t have to pass in the length, we can use the range-based for loop for iteration, and the function automatically works with std::vectors.

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> shapes;

shapes.push_back(std::make_unique<Rectangle>(3, 4));
shapes.push_back(std::make_unique<Triangle>(3, 4, 5));

std::cout << total_area(shapes) << '\n'; // 46.566370614359172

This is great! It automatically figures out how to compute the area for every shape that we throw at it. We don’t need to manually handle every single case, and even though the shapes are heap allocated, std::unique_ptr makes working with them less painful. Also, notice how I didn’t show a single line of code on how to compute the area, because with polymorphism, it actually doesn’t matter. But currently we are still hard-coding the shapes, so this is still possible even with compile-time polymorphism. Let’s justify this by importing the shapes from the file.

enum class ShapeTypes {

static const std::unordered_map<std::string_view, ShapeTypes> shape_map = {
    {"square", ShapeTypes::SQUARE},
    {"rectangle", ShapeTypes::RECTANGLE},
    {"circle", ShapeTypes::CIRCLE},
    {"triangle", ShapeTypes::TRIANGLE}

std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> get_shapes(const char *file_path) {
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> result;
    std::ifstream fin(file_path);

    std::string type_str;

    while (fin >> type_str) {
        switch (shape_map.find(type_str)->second) {
            case ShapeTypes::SQUARE: {
                double side;
                fin >> side;
            case ShapeTypes::RECTANGLE: {
                double width, height;
                fin >> width >> height;
                result.push_back(std::make_unique<Rectangle>(width, height));
            case ShapeTypes::CIRCLE: {
                double radius;
                fin >> radius;
            case ShapeTypes::TRIANGLE: {
                double side1, side2, side3;
                fin >> side1 >> side2 >> side3;
                result.push_back(std::make_unique<Triangle>(side1, side2, side3));

    return result;

Okay, now it’s no longer pretty. We tried so hard not to write the code that handles different shape types, but now, when reading the file, we can’t avoid it anymore. But if we don’t import the shape from the files dynamically at run-time, then it’s the same as compile-time polymorphism. Also, if we want to tweak the function, like, for example: “Get the total area of all circles and triangles”, we need to update the abstract class to expose more information:

class Shape {
    Shape() {}

    virtual double area() const = 0;
    virtual double is_circle_or_triangle() const = 0;
    virtual ~Shape() = default;

double total_area_circles_and_triangles(std::span<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> shapes) {
    double result = 0;

    for (std::unique_ptr<Shape> &shape : shapes) {
        if (shape->is_circle_or_triangle()) {
            result += shape->area();

    return result;

Then we need to manually implement the new method for all shapes. So while run-time polymorphism sounds great on paper, it falls apart when you actually write the entire system that operates at run-time. What really changed is that run-time polymorphism hides away the difficulty of maintaining multiple types of data in some places. It might be useful in certain circumstances, but the difficulty is still there.

The alternative

So, how do we store multiple shapes in the same array without run-time polymorphism? The answer is to use a data structure known as a tagged union. Instead of creating a function that accepts multiple types, one for each shape, we create a type that represents all the shapes, and just pass it to a regular function. To create a tagged union, there’s std::variant in C++, but I think that it’s more convenient to just literally use a tag and a union. In fact, this structure is so simple that you don’t even need any of C++’s features and just write it in plain C. The only C++ feature I use right now (other than member functions) is enum class only because it is scoped and because I’m in C++ anyways.

struct Shape {
    enum class Types {

    Types tag;

    union {
        struct {
            double side;
        } square;

        struct {
            double width, height;
        } rectangle;

        struct {
            double radius;
        } circle;

        struct {
            double sides[3];
        } triangle;

        double attrs[0];

    double area() const {
        switch (tag) {
            case Types::SQUARE: return square.side * square.side;
            case Types::RECTANGLE: return rectangle.width * rectangle.height;
            case Types::CIRCLE: return circle.radius * circle.radius * M_PI;
            case Types::TRIANGLE: {
                const double *sides = triangle.sides;
                const double s = (sides[0] + sides[1] + sides[2]) * 0.5;

                return sqrt(s * (s - sides[0]) * (s - sides[1]) * (s - sides[2]));


Before, we did’t have to care about how the shapes were implemented but now we do because it’s no longer hidden behind abstract classes and virtual methods. Remember, they’re hidden and abstracted away, but they’re still there. I think that the code that computes the area in every derived class is the same as the same code, but in the switch cases. It feels like we have to manually handle different shapes in the area method. But as we saw before, manually handling different cases is inevitable at run-time, so I don’t think there’s a good reason to avoid it. You might wonder: “What happens when you add a new shape?”. Well, just add a new shape to the enum and the compiler will emit a warning that you haven’t handled all enum values. Constructing a shape is also simple with designated initializers.

Shape square = {
    .tag = Shape::Types::SQUARE,
    .square = {
        .side = 4

Shape triangle = {
    .tag = Shape::Types::TRIANGLE,
    .triangle = {
        .sides = {3, 4, 5}

You can even use factory methods to simplify the creation of shapes, but I think that designated initializers are good enough. One of the downsides of this approach is reduced type safety. There’s nothing preventing you from accessing the radius of a square. If you know your union, then it’s fine. But mistakes can happen, and this is one place where you can mess up. Now Shape is an actual class, with a well-defined, static memory layout. So its instances are shapes, and not pointers pointing to the actual shape. This effectively removes one level of indirection, and all shapes can be stored in the same contiguous memory region.

double total_area(std::span<Shape> shapes) {
    double result = 0;

    for (Shape &shape : shapes) {
        result += shape.area();

    return result;

Now we don’t have to worry about cleaning up individual shape, or even have to use std::unique_ptr, and it might even help with performance! But before that, let’s see how do we import the shapes from the file.

static const std::unordered_map<std::string_view, Shape::Types> shape_map = {
    {"square", Shape::Types::SQUARE},
    {"rectangle", Shape::Types::RECTANGLE},
    {"circle", Shape::Types::CIRCLE},
    {"triangle", Shape::Types::TRIANGLE}

std::vector<Shape> get_shapes(const char *file_path) {
    std::vector<Shape> result;
    std::ifstream fin(file_path);

    std::string line;

    while (std::getline(fin, line)) {
        std::stringstream ss(line);
        std::string type_str;
        ss >> type_str;

        Shape shape;
        shape.tag = shape_map.find(type_str)->second;

        size_t attrs_len = 0;
        double attr;
        while (ss >> attr) shape.attrs[attrs_len++] = attr;


    return result;

This, in my opinion, is even nicer than the previous implementation. We already have the Shape::Types enum for the tag, so we can easily reuse it here. Remember double attrs[0]? It’s an array representing the underlying values of the shape attributes. Because the file is already in the correct order, we can just push items into that array instead of matching the shape type and constructing the correct shape. So by having more control over the memory layout, we can analyze and reduce some repetition. What about the example of only adding the area of circles and triangles? It’s just a single if statement:

double total_area_circles_and_triangles(std::span<Shape> shapes) {
    double result = 0;

    for (Shape &shape : shapes) {
        if (shape.tag == Shape::Types::CIRCLE || shape.tag == Shape::Types::TRIANGLE) {
            result += shape.area();

    return result;

You don’t need to edit all the shapes just to add that. So by not avoiding handling different shapes manually, we increased the flexibility of our code, and sometimes adding features is easier because of it.

Bonus content: Polymorphism and Tagged union in Rust

If you are not interested, feel free to skip to the benchmark.

Polymorphism using Trait

So that’s about C++, but what about polymorphism in another statically typed language? In Rust, methods and other shared behaviors are defined using Trait instead of inheritance. For example, instead of Square and Circle inheriting Shape, they instead have the trait Area.

trait Area {
    fn area(&self) -> f64;

struct Square {
    side: f64

impl Area for Square {
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        self.side * self.side

Compile-time polymorphism in Rust is also defined using generics like in C++, but you have to constrain the generic parameter with a trait to access its methods:

fn add_area<T1, T2>(shape1: T1, shape2: T2) -> f64
where T1: Area, T2: Area {
    shape1.area() + shape2.area()

What’s cool about Rust is that Trait can be thought of as an abstract class or interface. So for run-time polymorphism, no extra boilerplate is required. There’s also no separation between virtual and regular methods, like in C++. The methods are instead marked to be “dynamically dispatched” using the dyn keyword.

fn add_area(shape1: &dyn Area, shape2: &dyn Area) -> f64 {
    shape1.area() + shape2.area()

Similar to the C++ version, &dyn Area just points to an object with the Area trait, but there are differences between Rust polymorphism and C++ polymorphism, which I won’t go into detail here. To determine the type at run-time, you actually need to use a “boxed trait”, which is heap-allocated, also similar to C++.

let shape1: Box<dyn Area> = if random_bool() {
    Box::new(Square { side: 4.0 })
} else {
    Box::new(Circle { radius: 2.0 })

let shape2: Box<dyn Area> = if random_bool() {
    Box::new(Square { side: 4.0 })
} else {
    Box::new(Circle { radius: 2.0 })

dbg!(add_area(shape1.as_ref(), shape2.as_ref()))

I really like Rust’s trait; it makes compile-time and run-time polymorphism feels very similar. Because the methods are guaranteed to exist, you have better editor completion than in C++. The error messages are also nicer. You can add traits to existing types, or even primitive ones, so you can have (69 + 420).is_prime().

Enum as tagged union

Now for tagged union. In rust they are called enum, and they are much, much more pleasant to use than their C++ counterpart.

enum Shapes {
    Rectangle(f64, f64),
    Triangle(f64, f64, f64)

You don’t have as much control over the memory layout as you do in C++, but it is completely type-safe, as you have to pattern-match the enum to get the underlying data.

impl Area for Shapes {
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        match self {
            Shapes::Square(side) => side * side,
            Shapes::Rectangle(width, height) => width * height,
            Shapes::Circle(radius) => radius * radius * f64::consts::PI,
            Shapes::Triangle(side1, side2, side3) => {
                let s = 0.5 * (side1 + side2 + side3);
                (s * (s - side1) * (s - side2) * (s - side3)).sqrt()

Rust enum is extremely convenient and is the backbone of many features, such as Option or Result. While I don’t have as much control as in C++, because enum is a built-in language feature of Rust, constructing and accessing them feel so much more natural.

let square = Shapes::Square(4.0);

if let Square(side) = square {

Compare this to the C++ version:

// I can write and use a factory function but still I have to write more code
Shape square = {
    .tag = Shape::Types::SQUARE,
    .square = {
        .side = 4

if (square.tag == Shape::Types::SQUARE) {
    std::cout << square.square.side << '\n';

    // Nothing prevents me from doing this
    std::cout << square.rectangle.height << '\n';

I still prefer this over std::variant, and definitely over using run-time polymorphism, but I think that Rust enum is superior with its safety and convenience.

Benchmark and conclusion

So, let’s finally get into the performance of these two methods. I generated a one million shapes of those four types, and measured the time it took to compute the total area for both of the methods.

OptimizationPolymorphismTagged union
-O025.628 ms15.758 ms
-O36.908 ms5.100 ms

The tagged union method is 1.6 times faster without optimizations and 1.35 times faster with -O3 optimization. As you can see, the individual heap allocation and virtual method have a noticeable overhead. And this is just 4 different variants and 1 virtual method. The overhead will add up even further.

So, my take is that run-time polymorphism in C++ doesn’t actually prevent you from manually handling all cases at run-time, isn’t very flexible, you have to worry about memory safety, and the performance is worse. You can do the same thing with tagged union—it’s as easy to add more variants, and have higher performance. Because of this, I can’t see why I should use abstract classes and virtual methods in C++.